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LM Garcia y Griego

Photo: LM Garcia y Griego

Associate Professor




Personal website

A.B. 1973, Princeton University M.A. 1981, El Colegio de M←xico Ph.D. 1988, UCLA


Professor García y Griego ‘s research focus is Spanish/ Mexican land grants of the Southwest, Mexican-U.S. relations, Latino leadership networks, and U.S. immigration history and policy. His teaching has focused on the history and politics of the United States and Mexico since the 19th century, immigration policy and immigrant assimilation, and the history of the U.S.-Mexico borderlands.

García y Griego has previously held faculty positions at the Center for International Studies at El Colegio de México, the Department of Political Science at the University of California, Irvine, and served as director of the Center for Mexican American Studies at the University of Texas at Arlington and the Director of the Southwest Hispanic Research Institute at the University of New Mexico. In addition to serving as the founding director of the UNM Land Grant Studies Program he currently serves on the board of trustees of the Cañón de Carnué Land Grant and on the executive committee of the New Mexico Land Grant Consejo.

Recent publications include: Sherrie Kossoudji, Louis De Sipio and Manuel García y Griego, eds., Researching Migration: Stories from the Field (New York: SSRC Books, 2007); “Dos tesis sobre seis décadas: La emigración a Estados Unidos y la política exterior mexicana,” (Two theses and six decades: Emigration to the United States and Mexican foreign policy), in, En busca de una nación soberana: relaciones internacionales de México, siglos XIX y XX, Jorge A. Schiavon, Daniela Spenser and María Vázquez Olivera, eds., (México City: CIDE and SRE, 2006), pp. 551-580; “La política exterior de México y la emigración a Estados Unidos: intereses y resultados,” (Mexican foreign policy and emigration to the United States: interests and results), in Temas de política exterior, Ana Covarrubias, ed. (Mexico City: El Colegio de México, 2008); Manuel García y Griego and Roberto Calderón, Más allá del río Bravo: breve historia mexicana del norte de Texas (Mexico City: Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores, Acervo HIstórico Diplomático, in press).


Advanced Seminar in Chicana and Chicano Studies (CCS 490)
Community Based Learning (CCS 384)
Immigration and “Assimilation” (CCS 310)
New Mexico History since 1848 (Hist 300; topics course)
U.S. Political History since 1787 (Hist 431)
Post Revolutionary Mexico (Hist 300; topics course)