Gabino Noriega III
Ph.D. Student

Gabino Noriega III is an Albuquerque son, Ph.D. Candidate, Educator, Artist, Poet, and Musician. Gabino has a passion to support the unique needs of students of color in education. In addition to his doctoral studies, Gabino has a passion for Chicano arts, music, film, and sustaining the cultural traditions of New Mexico. He has performed his poetry and music both nationally and internationally. He is also a family man focused on connecting his family to the Earth and the traditions of our ancestors.
Research Interests
Educational Opportunities for Students of Color | Community Cultural Wealth | Socioeconomic Desegregation | Student Voice | Curanderismo | Ethnic Studies | Chicano Indigeneity
Courses Offered
Introduction to Global and Ethnic Societies (CCST1110), Chicana and Chicano Studies (CCST2110), Chicanx and Latinx Musical Cultures and Expressions (CCST1125), and New Mexico Literary Landscapes and Beyond (CCS374/574)