Joseph García
Adjunct Professor
- University of New Mexico | Ph.D | Latin American Studies
- Universtiy of New Mexico | Dual-Degree Masters | Community & Regional Planning and Latin American Studies, College of Architecture and Planning
- Texas A&M University | BS | Secondary Science Education (6-12)
- Texas A&M University | BS | Geography/Environmental Studies
An interdisciplinary environmental justice teacher-scholar Dr. García's research is focused on the historical sociology of natural resource policy development through the Cuban and Mexican Revolutions and the impact on global energy policy. With over twenty years of community organizing and activism he has conducted research related to civil rights, voting rights and environmental/social Justice throughout the Americas. He served with the Peace Corps in Paraguay (1997-1999), speaks fluent Spanish, and near fluent Brazilian Portuguese and Paraguayan Guarani. He has traveled extensively throughout Latin America and is also a proficient guitarist and vocalist in a variety of styles and genres of music from throughout the Americas.
Online - 1) Advanced Seminar in Chicana/o Studies 2) Introduction to Chicana/o Studies 3) Chicanx/Latinx in a global society 4) Race, Culture, Gender, and Class in New Mexico, 5) Immigration and Assimilation
García J.J. Desafío exitoso en acción: La justicia económica y social de México y Cuba (Successful Defiance in Action: The Economic and Social Justice Trajectories of México and Cuba) México City: Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores, Dirección General del Acervo Histórico Diplomático (Mexican Secretary of Foreign Relations Diplomatic Archive Press) Programa de Apoyo a la Investigación sobre Historia de las Relaciones Internacionales de México en el Extranjero Isidro Fabela, 2024.
Scholarly Articles in Refereed Journals:
García J. J. “The Struggle for Water in Rural Paraguay: A ‘Perverse Confluence Analysis of Subversive Participation,” Third World Quarterly, Vol. 4, issue 8, 2023. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/01436597.2023.2213176
García J. J. “The Charismatic Revolutionary Leadership Trajectories of Fidel Castro and Lázaro Cárdenas: From Guerrillas to Heads of State in the Age of U.S. Imperialism.” Vol. 15, No. 1, Article 6, 2020 (Year of Cuba) Journal of Global Initiatives: Policy, Pedagogy, Perspective. https://digitalcommons.kennesaw.edu/jgi/vol15/iss1/6/
García J. J. “Insurgent Organizing: García v. The City of Taft Texas - The Personal and Geopolitical Struggle for Political Representation in South Texas,” Volume 31, Number 2, Spring 2018 Issue, The Journal of South Texas (JST), (144-170).
Future Publications and Works in Progress:
García J.J. Natural Resource Revolutions: Cuba, Mexico and the US in the Age of Nationalization, Labor Movements and Multinational Corporations, English/Spanish manuscript tentatively for 2026.
García J.J. Water Struggles in Rural Paraguay: A “Perverse Confluence” of Subversive Participation, manuscript in process for 2028. García J.J. From Vietnam to Voting Rights: Combat Veterans and Insurgent Organizing in the Civil Rights and Chicano Movements, manuscript in research/writing for 2030.
García J.J. “Sons of the Mexican Revolution: Dr. Hector P. García and Dr. José Ángel Gutiérrez a Comparative Leadership Study of the Mexican American Civil Rights Movement and La Raza Unida/Chicano Movement in Texas.” Journal article in process.
García J.J. “Mexican American Voting Rights Activism in Texas: The Mexican American Legal and Educational Defense Fund, Local Organizers and the Legacy of Determined Political Action.” Journal article in process. García J.J. “Honored Son of the Texas Oligarchy: Fidel Castro’s 1959 Visit to Houston Texas.” Journal article in process.