Chicanos Courses - Current Semester
Spring 2025
This course introduces the student to Folklorico dance from Mexico and how it is embedded in cultural significance. Students will learn the fundamentals of this practice which may include footwork, postures, and dances particular to cultural regions in Mexico.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 79820 |
| Mario E Del Angel Guevara - | 3 | 7 |
The seminar examines Chicano Civil Rights by exploring forms of collective social action on behalf of immigration rights/reform, education rights/reform, labor rights, treaty rights, legal justice, environmental justice, veteran's rights, and political representation.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
CANCELLED 001 | 80195 | Lecture | Staff | 3 | 3 |
002 | 81575 |
| Robert J Frausto - | 3 | 5 |
The course examines the Chicana/o Movement beyond the 1960s Civil Rights era, exploring the precursors to the political movement, as well as the legacies of the Chicana/o movement and its effect on society and academia.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 79835 |
| Jose Luis Serrano Najera - | 3 | 2 |
The course focuses on critical thinking about race, class, gender, and sexuality. Course discussions will center on questions of identity and representation and the social construction of gender and sexuality in transnational Latina/o communities.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
003 | 61511 |
| Xochitl L Santillan Reyna - | 3 | 8 |
The course explores New Mexico's cultural heritage through an examination of cultural narratives and cultural landscapes and traditions, such as plazas, salas, resolanas, matanzas, and acequia culture from the past through the present day.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
002 | 60286 |
| Levi Romero - | 3 | 6 |
Special topics in Chicano Hispano Mexicano Studies are interdisciplinary in nature and draw from the Humanities, Social Sciences, and the Arts. May be repeated as subject matter varies.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
ST: Acequia:Water,Land,Culture | |||||
004 | 62398 |
| Levi Romero - | 3 | 4 |
T: Writers in the Community | |||||
005 | 62798 |
| Jessica H Lopez - | 3 | 2 |
Mysteries of New Mexico and Be | |||||
006 | 61470 |
| Matthew D Goodwin - | 3 | 10 |
T: Hip Hop as a Cultural Mvmnt | |||||
CANCELLED 008 | 62551 | Web Enhanced - Topics | Staff | 3 | 3 |
T: Chicano(a) Studies | |||||
010 | 62272 | Staff | 3 | 5 | |
T: Son Jarocho | |||||
012 | 62673 |
| Irene E Vasquez - | 3 | 4 |
This course introduces the student to Folklorico dance from Mexico and how it is embedded in cultural significance. Students will learn the fundamentals of this practice which may include footwork, postures, and dances particular to cultural regions in Mexico.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 79821 |
| Mario E Del Angel Guevara - | 3 | 8 |
This course provides an overview of Chicana/o educational experiences with the United States school system. Students will analyze historical and institutional developments that shape educational experiences of Chicanas/os through texts, theories, and methodologies.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 79838 |
| Elizabeth Gonzalez - | 3 | 5 |
This course explores the African presence in Mexico in four periods: the Colonial Period, the Independence movement, the Modern Period, and representations of people of African descent in contemporary Mexico. Prerequisite: Spanish 401 or Spanish placement exam demonstrating a 400 nivel equivalence competency.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 78953 |
| Dora E Careaga-Coleman - | 3 | 8 |
This course is designed to place UNM writing (and non-writing) students into diverse community settings to work alongside students of all ages, needs, interests. Writing workshops will be offered in schools, community centers, justice settings, homeless-shelters, healthcare facilities, non-profit organizations.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 81007 |
| Levi Romero - | 3 | 7 |
Advanced seminar emphasizing synthesis of previous courses, research skills, theories and service learning in Chicana and Chicano Studies. Designed as a capstone seminar for the undergraduate program. Restriction: junior or senior standing.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
004 | 79831 |
| Jose Luis Serrano Najera - | 3 | 13 |
The content of this course varies by semester but will provide an in-depth analysis of special topics related to Chicana and Chicano Studies. For course content, consult the Schedule of Classes.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
ST: Cine de Mujeres | |||||
CANCELLED 002 | 79818 | Topics | Staff | 3 | 1 |
ST: Cine de Mujeres | |||||
003 | 81403 |
| Patricia Rosas Lopategui - | 3 | 7 |
ST: NM Villages & Cultr Land | |||||
005 | 60078 |
| Levi Romero - | 3 | 14 |
ST: Acequia:Water,Land,Culture | |||||
006 | 62399 |
| Levi Romero - | 3 | 8 |
Individual research into an area proposed by the student and conducted under the direction of a faculty member.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 81598 | Levi Romero - | 3 | Section Full Waitlist: 2 | |
002 | 37718 | Irene E Vasquez - | 3 | 28 | |
003 | 37719 | Levi Romero - | 3 | 10 |
This course introduces the student to Folklorico dance from Mexico and how it is embedded in cultural significance. Students will learn the fundamentals of this practice which may include footwork, postures, and dances particular to cultural regions in Mexico.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 79822 |
| Mario E Del Angel Guevara - | 3 | 3 |
This course prepares students to survey a range of qualitative and quantitative approaches, the utility of different approaches depending on theoretical perspective, and the debates in and outside the field.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
004 | 62314 |
| Leila Flores-Duenas - | 3 | 9 |
This course provides an overview of Chicana/o educational experiences with the United States school system. Students will analyze historical and institutional developments that shape educational experiences of Chicanas/os through texts, theories, and methodologies.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 79836 |
| Elizabeth Gonzalez - | 3 | 4 |
The seminar examines Chicano Civil Rights by exploring forms of collective social action on behalf of immigration rights/reform, education rights/reform, labor rights, treaty rights, legal justice, environmental justice, veteran's rights, and political representation.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
CANCELLED 001 | 80198 | Lecture | Staff | 3 | 1 |
002 | 81576 |
| Robert J Frausto - | 3 | 4 |
The course examines the Chicana/o Movement beyond the 1960s Civil Rights era, exploring the precursors to the political movement, as well as the legacies of the Chicana/o movement and its effect on society and academia.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 79833 |
| Jose Luis Serrano Najera - | 3 | 5 |
The course focuses on critical thinking about race, class, gender, and sexuality. Course discussions will center on questions of identity and representation and the social construction of gender and sexuality in transnational Latina/o communities.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
CANCELLED 003 | 61512 | Web Enhanced - Seminar | Staff | 3 | Section Full |
The course explores New Mexico's cultural heritage through an examination of cultural narratives and cultural landscapes and traditions, such as plazas, salas, resolanas, matanzas, and acequia culture from the past through the present day.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
003 | 60288 |
| Levi Romero - | 3 | 11 |
This course is designed to place UNM writing (and non-writing) students into diverse community settings to work alongside students of all ages, needs, interests. Writing workshops will be offered in schools, community centers, justice settings, homeless-shelters, healthcare facilities, non-profit organizations.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 81008 |
| Levi Romero - | 3 | Section Full Waitlist: 2 |
Advanced seminar emphasizing synthesis of previous courses, research skills, theories and service learning in Chicana and Chicano Studies. Designed as a capstone seminar for the graduate program.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
003 | 79826 | Seminar | Michelle H Kells - | 3 | 2 |
The content of this course varies by semester but will provide an in-depth analysis of special topics related to Chicana and Chicano Studies. For course content, consult the Schedule of Classes.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
ST: Cine de Mujeres | |||||
003 | 80431 |
| Patricia Rosas Lopategui - | 3 | 4 |
ST: Race Gndr Sxlty&USImmigHst | |||||
005 | 62248 | Barbara O Reyes - | 3 | 6 | |
Mysteries of NM & Beyond | |||||
006 | 61536 |
| Matthew D Goodwin - | 3 | 4 |
ST: Acequia:Water,Land,Culture | |||||
011 | 62315 |
| Levi Romero - | 3 | 6 |
ST: Son Jarocho | |||||
012 | 62670 |
| Irene E Vasquez - | 3 | 4 |
ST: Chicano(a) Studies | |||||
013 | 62456 | Staff | 3 | 5 | |
ST: Writers in the Community | |||||
CANCELLED 014 | 62834 | Topics | Staff | 3 | Section Full |
Provides graduate students with the opportunity to work one-on-one with an instructor to facilitate an intensive study of a subject or the completion of a project.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 54186 | Independent Study | Irene E Vasquez - | 3 | 2 |
002 | 54187 | Leila Flores-Duenas - | 3 | 2 | |
003 | 54735 | Laura E Belmonte - | 3 | 5 | |
004 | 54736 | Elizabeth Gonzalez - | 3 | 5 | |
005 | 54737 | Michael L Trujillo - | 3 | 5 | |
006 | 54738 | Jose Luis Serrano Najera - | 3 | 5 | |
007 | 54739 | Dora E Careaga-Coleman - | 3 | 5 | |
008 | 54740 | Barbara O Reyes - | 3 | 5 | |
009 | 54793 | Independent Study | Levi Romero - | 3 | 2 |
010 | 61514 | Independent Study | Matthew D Goodwin - | 3 | 4 |
011 | 61516 | Independent Study | Michelle H Kells - | 3 | 5 |
012 | 78941 | Independent Study | Patricia Rosas Lopategui - | 3 | 5 |
013 | 78943 | Independent Study | Mario E Del Angel Guevara - | 3 | 5 |
Faculty-supervised investigative study that results in the development and writing of a master’s thesis. Offered on a CR/NC basis only.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 57267 | Thesis | Irene E Vasquez - | 1 TO 6 | 5 |
002 | 57268 | Thesis | Leila Flores-Duenas - | 1 TO 6 | 5 |
003 | 57269 | Thesis | Laura E Belmonte - | 1 TO 6 | 4 |
004 | 57270 | Thesis | Elizabeth Gonzalez - | 1 TO 6 | 5 |
005 | 57271 | Thesis | Michael L Trujillo - | 1 TO 6 | 5 |
006 | 57272 | Thesis | Jose Luis Serrano Najera - | 1 TO 6 | 5 |
007 | 57273 | Thesis | Dora E Careaga-Coleman - | 1 TO 6 | 5 |
008 | 57274 | Thesis | Staff | 1 TO 6 | 5 |
009 | 57275 | Thesis | Levi Romero - | 1 TO 6 | 5 |
010 | 57276 | Thesis | Matthew D Goodwin - | 1 TO 6 | 5 |
011 | 57278 | Thesis | Michelle H Kells - | 1 TO 6 | 5 |
012 | 78949 | Thesis | Patricia Rosas Lopategui - | 1 TO 6 | 5 |
Intended to support community-engaged learning and/or project-based learning in the departmental graduate program, and to enhance academic knowledge and provide students with opportunities to gain practical experience in a chosen community based or professional field.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 79823 | Practice Experience | Michelle H Kells - | 3 | Section Full |
This course explores the African presence in Mexico in four periods: the Colonial Period, the Independence movement, the Modern Period, and representations of people of African descent in contemporary Mexico. Prerequisite: Spanish 401 or Spanish placement exam demonstrating a 400 nivel equivalence competency.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
CANCELLED 001 | 78954 | Web Enhanced - Seminar | Staff | 3 | Section Full |
002 | 81574 |
| Dora E Careaga-Coleman - | 3 | 3 |
Provides graduate students with the opportunity to work one-on-one with an instructor to facilitate an intensive study of a subject or the completion of a project.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 54188 | Independent Study | Irene E Vasquez - | 3 | Section Full |
002 | 54189 | Leila Flores-Duenas - | 3 | 5 | |
003 | 54665 | Laura E Belmonte - | 3 | 5 | |
004 | 54741 | Elizabeth Gonzalez - | 3 | 4 | |
005 | 54742 | Michael L Trujillo - | 3 | 1 | |
006 | 61515 | Independent Study | Jose Luis Serrano Najera - | 3 | 5 |
007 | 54744 | Dora E Careaga-Coleman - | 3 | 5 | |
008 | 54745 | Myrriah M Gomez - | 3 | 3 | |
009 | 54746 | Levi Romero - | 3 | 5 | |
010 | 54747 | Matthew D Goodwin - | 3 | 3 | |
011 | 61517 | Independent Study | Michelle H Kells - | 3 | 5 |
012 | 78945 | Independent Study | Patricia Rosas Lopategui - | 3 | 5 |
013 | 81599 | Irene E Vasquez - | 3 | 1 | |
014 | 81614 | Jose Luis Serrano Najera - | 3 | 2 |
Faculty-supervised investigative study that results in the development and writing of a doctoral dissertation. Offered on a CR/NC basis only.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 61524 | Dissertation | Irene E Vasquez - | 3 TO 12 | Section Full |
002 | 61525 | Dissertation | Leila Flores-Duenas - | 3 TO 12 | 5 |
003 | 61526 | Dissertation | Laura E Belmonte - | 3 TO 12 | 4 |
004 | 61527 | Dissertation | Elizabeth Gonzalez - | 3 TO 12 | 4 |
005 | 61528 | Dissertation | Michael L Trujillo - | 3 TO 12 | 5 |
006 | 61529 | Dissertation | Jose Luis Serrano Najera - | 3 TO 12 | 5 |
007 | 61530 | Dissertation | Dora E Careaga-Coleman - | 3 TO 12 | 5 |
008 | 61531 | Dissertation | Staff | 3 TO 12 | 5 |
009 | 61532 | Dissertation | Levi Romero - | 3 TO 12 | 5 |
010 | 61533 | Dissertation | Matthew D Goodwin - | 3 TO 12 | 5 |
011 | 60026 | Dissertation | Michelle H Kells - | 3 TO 12 | 5 |
012 | 78951 | Dissertation | Patricia Rosas Lopategui - | 3 TO 12 | 5 |